Warning! sandbox.localcontextshub.org is a test website that is only used to test workflows. localcontextshub.org is the official site.
19 Mar 2024
Ori Atkins | Researcher
This is a test project to test the workflow for thesis self-deposit for theses that are connected to a local contexts project.
Local Contexts Project ID
Project URL
This Label is being used to verify that [community name or authorizing party] have consent conditions in place for the use of this information, collections, data, and digital sequence information. [These can be found at ….].
Ko tā tēnei tohu, he whakaū i ngā here whakaae [ingoa hapori, mana whakahaere rānei] i runga i te whakamahitanga o ngā mōhiohio, ngā kohinga mātauranga, ngā raraunga me ngā mōhiohio hangarau (DSI). [Kitea ai ēnei i ….].
This Label is being used to affirm an inherent interest Indigenous people have in the scientific collections and data about communities, peoples, and the biodiversity found within traditional lands, waters and territories. [Community name or authorizing party] retains the right to be named and associated with it into the future. This association reflects a significant relationship and responsibility to [the species or biological entity] and associated scientific collections and data. [Optional attribution statement]
This Label is being used to correct historical mistakes or exclusions pertaining to this material. This is especially in relation to the names of the people involved in performing or making this work and/or correctly naming the community from which it originally derives. As a user you are being asked to also apply the correct attribution in any future use of this work.
Whakamahia ai tēnei tohu hei whakatika i ngā hē o mua, i te ngaronga rānei o tētahi āhua e pā ana ki tēnei rawa. Ko te hāngai tonu ki ngā ingoa o te hunga, ki te hapori rānei, nā rātou tēnei rawa, i toi ai rānei i roto i a rātou. He āki hoki i te hunga whakamahi o anamata, kia tika te whakapuaki i ngā ingoa me ngā āhuatanga e tika ana.
This material has been designated as being available for non-commercial use. You are allowed to use this material for non-commercial purposes including for research, study, or public presentation and/or online in blogs or non-commercial websites. This Label asks you to think and act with fairness and responsibility towards this material and the original custodians.
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