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Green Ribbon and Blue Ribbon Stories: Applying a Bidjara Way of Knowing to Understanding Records

Project Details

Date created

24 Oct 2024

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Added by

Corrie CBIKS | Researcher


Corrie Roe



Archival turn scholars have argued that to understand a record one needs to consider its broader provenance. Theoretical and conceptual frameworks such as the record continuum model, parallel provenance and societal provenance have aided in debunking the myth of linear, objective and neutral records. While these theories and concepts support the inclusion of Indigenous worldviews in recordkeeping praxis, Indigenous worldviews have been noticeably absent in the formulation of these and other archival theorisations. This article introduces the green ribbon and blue ribbon stories, an Indigenous, specifically Bidjara, conceptual framework for appraising and interpreting archival records. This conceptual framework has been derived from Bidjara ways of being and knowing. This article consists of three parts: the first introduces the conceptual framework and explains its background. The second discusses the intellectual and cultural authority of the framework and protocols for its use, and the final part of the article demonstrates how the green ribbon and blue ribbon stories’ conceptual framework applies to archives.


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Traditional Knowledge

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The TK (Traditional Knowledge) Notice is a visible notification that there are accompanying cultural rights and responsibilities that need further attention for any future sharing and use of this material. The TK Notice may indicate that TK Labels are in development and their implementation is being negotiated.

Pānui Whakamārama TK


Ko tā te Pānui Whakamārama TK, he āta whakaatu, tērā ētahi tikanga ā-iwi me ōna haepapa ki runga i te whakamahinga, i te horapatanga hoki o tēnei taonga. Kei roto hoki pea i tēnei Pānui TK, ko te kōrero e mea ana, tērā ngā Tohu TK e waihangatia ana, ā, kei te whiriwhirihia tonutia tōna whakatinanatanga. Mō ētahi atu kōrero mō ngā Pānui Whakamārama TK, pāwhiritia i konei.

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