Warning! sandbox.localcontextshub.org is a test website that is only used to test workflows. localcontextshub.org is the official site.
14 Feb 2023
Corrie Roe | Museum of Science
Southwest Basket
Local Contexts Project ID
Project URL
This Label is being used to correct historical mistakes or exclusions pertaining to this material. This is especially in relation to the names of the people involved in performing or making this work and/or correctly naming the community from which it originally derives. As a user you are being asked to also apply the correct attribution in any future use of this work.
This Label is being used to indicate that this material is traditionally and usually not publicly available. The Label is correcting a misunderstanding about the circulation options for this material and letting any users know that this material can be used for educational outreach activities. This Label asks you to respect the designated circulation conditions for this material and additionally, where possible, to develop a means for fair and equitable reciprocal exchange for the use of this material with the relevant TK holders. This exchange might include access to educational or other resources that are difficult to access under normal circumstances.
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