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Southwest Dataset about Flora

Project Details

Date created

14 Jun 2023

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Project visibility



Corrie Roe | Museum of Science




Sub Project


Southwest Dataset about Flora. Collected in 2022.


Felicia Garcia


No links added



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Project Labels

Southwest Community

3 Labels applied

BC Clan Label icon. Black tag shape with a circle made of small white dots in center. On left side are three larger white dots.

BC Clan (BC CL)

Label Text | English

This Label is being used to indicate that this material is traditionally and usually not publicly available. The Label lets future users know that this data has specific conditions for use and sharing because of clan membership and/or relationships. This Label asks viewers of this data to respect the cultural values and expectations about circulation and use defined by designated clans, members, and their internal relations.

Southwest BC Clan | English

Translated text appears here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus enim arcu, pretium eu auctor vitae, interdum ut mauris. Duis molestie condimentum enim quis laoreet. Proin est neque, sodales et neque sed, efficitur rutrum velit. Nam consectetur hendrerit ante, id imperdiet augue ullamcorper quis. Ut mattis vestibulum ligula, vitae gravida magna blandit ac. Fusce ut nisl sit amet mauris condimentum sagittis eu at elit. Suspendisse pulvinar faucibus mollis. In hendrerit mi odio, quis aliquet purus molestie at. Ut dignissim viverra lacus, ac efficitur risus efficitur eget. Mauris at molestie lorem. Nunc sit amet urna accumsan, facilisis nulla vel, auctor libero. Sed imperdiet neque eu vehicula maximus. Nunc rutrum et orci a pretium. Maecenas molestie fringilla metus eget tincidunt. Donec in porttitor lorem, sed placerat orci. Donec porttitor a tellus nec iaculis. Nullam sapien odio, vulputate finibus egestas eget, hendrerit ut diam. Maecenas maximus, nunc ut commodo vehicula, nunc mi tristique est.

Audio Description

TK Community Use Only Label icon. Black tag shape with four criss-crossed white lines in center.

TK Community Use Only (TK CO)

Label Text | English

This Label is being used to indicate that this material is traditionally and usually not publicly available. The Label is correcting a misunderstanding about the circulation options for this material and letting any users know that this material has specific conditions for circulation within the Southwest community. It is not, and never was, free, public, or available for everyone at anytime. This Label asks you to think about how you are going to use this material and to respect different cultural values and expectations about circulation and use.

TK Non-Verified Label icon. Black tag shape with a white checkmark and diagonal line through it in center.

TK Non-Verified (TK NV)

Label Text | English

This Label is being used because there are concerns about accuracy and/or representations made in this material. This material was not created through informed consent or community protocols for research and engagement. Therefore, questions about its accuracy and who/how it represents this community are being raised.

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